Some of you will remember that I had all of these lofty expectations to blog all throughout my training and have everything done months in advance and while that sounded very well and good on paper, in reality… I have under a month left until I leave.
So, lets assess the situation: fundraising goals met? No, although I am very close to the minimum requirement (Click here to help me out). Body fully trained up and in shape? No, I’ve been on a few runs, played some soccer and volleyball, but I didn’t actually get my bike until yesterday so that was somewhat prohibitive to the training goals. Yes, I know I could have gone up to a gym and ridden a stationary bike or done other things, but it really isn’t the same thing, and besides, I had tons of time. Accommodation all sorted out? No, I think I’ve got one place locked down in Germany but I just can’t seem to make any headway in the Czech Republic. I do however have a plane ticket, travel insurance, and a passport, so I don’t think I’m a total lost cause.
I’m sure some people would be going into panic mode right about now, and maybe I should be as well, but I’ve just been too busy with everything else I’ve been doing. Podcasts, TV Pilots, Girlfriends, Social Media, and other organizational issues have been much more at the forefront than this trip. Despite all of this however I am not nervous at all. It could be that the scope of what I am trying to attempt is so crazy that my brain has simply chosen not to process the information, but I would like to think it is because this sort of pure absurdity is what I signed onto this trip for.
I knew this trip could wind up going to hell in a split second, and that actually made me want to go more. This is a great adventure to be had and the people involved are incredible. I’d have to be crazy not to go.
Still, crunch time is now so I had better start shifting things into gear - bike pun intended. I tried out clipless pedals for the first time today and managed to promptly fall off bringing the bike down on top of me. I’m sure it will become second nature soon enough but it was a good reminder of the work that still needs to be done. So with that in mind I figured I’d fire up the blog and get back in this saddle as well. This will be updated as long as I can find internet access so don’t worry about that. I have had to read those horrible e-mails at work and at school for too many years from friends telling me how much fun they are having off gallivanting around the world. It’s about time I get to write some myself.
So, if you need a little break from the daily grind check back here and clip in for the ride. I promise it will be an adventure, and the worst pain you will suffer is having to deal with my comma splices.
1 comment:
WHOOO!!!! i like your serious face, chris! we starting in two weeks now. yahoo!!
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