Today I will be broadcasting from the tempestuous city of Prague in the Czech Republic, and it has been a crazy last few days. I almost don’t know where to begin so I’ll jump back to the start and work my way forward.
The craziness all started on our ride into Zahna which is just east of Wittenberg in Germany. There seemed to be some sort of force out to get as that day as we had several flat tires, a broken back rack, a broken front rack, a totaled biked, and a slightly concussed rider. I wasn’t riding with the group that had the accident, but from what I was told there was an ill-placed pole right in the middle of a bike path that was struck at 25km/hr by David. He promptly flew over his handlebars and Sabrina who was following behind him then crashed into his trailer and got a bit of a knock to the head as she fell.
David’s bike was totaled and had to be carried out of forest, and Sabrina received a minor concussion. Luckily they flagged down some passing Germans and got a hold of the documentary crew to come pick them up. It was a pretty hectic day for most of the group (especially for Miriam and Riel who had to drive for 5 hours to rescue everyone) but our hosts managed to lift our sprits right back up with the wonderful dinner that they had prepared for us. Zahna hadn’t originally been a town we were planning to visit, but they were the closet accommodation we could find to Wittenberg. I am so pleased we did stay there though because everyone there was incredibly nice to us. They had prepared a wonderful food spread for dinner, bought us wine especially from Istanbul, and gave as a wonderful tour of their local church which was over 1000 years old. Upon hearing about our event filled day the mayor even insisted a bike shop open up on the weekend and give us a special discount on repairs. Unfortunately David couldn’t find a bike that suited him there so he had to head off to Berlin to purchase one, but I don’t think he was overly heartbroken as it was covered by insurance.
I should also say that both Sabrina and David are doing fine now.
The next few days went much more smoothly although we still had a bunch of flat tires, broken spokes and racks. We also accidentally wound up sleeping next to a Rave in Riesa. Dresden was also a great city with another amazing host who gave an excellent tour of the city. Dresden has the distinction of having every last stone bombed by the Allies in the Second World War in retaliation for the
German’s bombing London. It was a strange walking around the downtown core and seeing all of these restored old buildings that were actually quite new. Their fronts had been rebuilt but behind a foot or two of stone was concrete. In many ways it felt a bit like a theme park but I think most people really enjoyed the city.
Looking back on Germany I was surprised by how much I loved it. I’m not sure what I was expecting but it was a wonderful country with great people. I enjoyed it far more than the Netherlands which I though I would love.
Sadly however we had to leave Germany and head into the Czech Republic and Uste nad Labem. We did have a lovely parting gift though as the bike trail wrapped along the river and I think for most people it was one of their most scenic days on the tour so far. I had a slightly different day from most of the group however, as myself and 3 others decided to go over the mountains instead of around them as it was 30km shorter. Up until this point on the trip I feel like I hadn’t really worked my body all that hard but the mountains leaving

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