It’s official: Global Agents for Change’s Europe tour 2009 is now over. WE ALL MADE IT TO ISTANBUL! Looking back at the last two months is really just a blur of memories that haven’t even begun to make sense yet. I am willing to bet that most of us will still be figuring out exactly what we have gained from the tour for a long time to come yet. The fact that every rider made is really testament our teamwork and ability to overcome any challenges. Not every rider got to ride everyday, or every kilometer – in fact only two of us did, Robbie and I –

but as a team we all accomplished our crazy goal: to bike ride 4000km across a continent in order to raise money and awareness for micro finance projects.
In the end of course it became much more than just the $70 000 we collectively raised. We all get to come away with the knowledge that we have accomplished a goal that many people thought was outlandish. In reality however, it was actually quite easy. Yes, we biked 4000km, but it wasn’t all in one day. Every day we had a manageable task of biking around 70km. That isn’t to say there weren’t daily challenges around directions, language, hills, weather and a whole host of other problems, but together none of them were all that daunting.

There are so many great stories to tell, and I’ve tried to do my best to share as many as I can, but in the end all of our words can never do justice to just how special this trip was to everyone. I had bad moments, and bad hours, but not once did I ever have an entirely bad day where I wished I was somewhere else. I would just like to take one last chance to say thank you to everyone that helped play a role in making this happen for everyone: All of our friends and family back home that supported us, all of our wonderful

That’s about all I have for now, riding into Istanbul down a four lane highway going 60km/hr with 15 bikes behind me was one of the craziest things I’ve done, but I feel like that story is best saved for another post or over conversations when I get home. I will say however that we are also extremely lucky as it is Ramadan right now so Istanbul is even more spectacular than it would otherwise be. The sheer number of people around the blue mosque at sundown is mind-boggling.
As for what’s next, many of riders are sticking it

Congratulations to you and all the agents for an amazing accomplishment! Thank you Chris for your blog. I have really enjoyed following it and getting a sense of the trip, both the joys and the challenges. Good luck as you continue your travels.
Jane, Charles' mom
Well done Chris!! I am so thrilled you accomplished what you set out to do. I enjoyed following your trip by way of your blogs. Hope the remainder of your trip is a little more relaxing!
Ha! I love how you finish your post talking about "all the adventures on the horizon" and include a picture of looking into the horizon. Also, you have a great farmer's tan going. :P
Congratulations on making it all the way! xoxo
Thanks for the words, makes me even more excited (if that's possible?) to get going on my adventure.. see you soon!
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