Hello everyone! So after something like 34 hours straight
of traveling on basically no sleep I have arrived safely into Bangkok! Truth be told, I don’t think it has actually sunk in yet that I am here. Until I go to sleep, which isn’t for a couple more hours yet if I am to try and pull a crash course in bodily reset functions, my mind is still all a blur. Anthony and I were sitting at a restaurant on Koh San Road eating dinner (it was 4pm local time, 1am PST) and we just kept looking across the table at each other saying, what the heck have we gotten ourselves into. Are we really actually here? I think after sleep and a couple of days the actual craziness of this trip will actually start to set in. Mike and Morgan actually arriving will help as well (they are 12 hours behind us). They got an actual sleep in Seattle where a
s we got get all of the traveling over with.
I had all of these grandiose ideas of how amazing this first e-mail would be, complete with the necessary slights that finally, after reading everyone else’s travel e-mails for years, I get to write my own and it is you suckers who get to be jealous for a change, but really I am far too tired to be witty. I’m sure some people might argue that calling myself a wit is rather questionable at the best of times, but that is up for debate another day.
Because I can’t really think of much interesting to say I’ll give you a little rundown of the trip thus far. I bussed to Seattle with the 3 boys; this took us from 3-7pm on Friday (PST). We then had dinner and Anthony and I headed to the airport. We then killed a few hours till our plane left at 1am. Our plane then arrived in Taipei
at 5am whatever time zone Taipei is on. I believe it is a 16 hour time difference and a day from Vancouver. Then we had a 5 hour layover in which Anthony and I walked the entire course of the airport a couple times, befriended an ex-film producer from seattle (go figure), all while battling to stay awake and sane. Then it was simply a 3 hour flight to Bangkok and an hour cab ride downtown. That ride, while interesting wasn’t nearly as hair raising as I had expected.

So now I am sitting here writing an e-mail waiting for my spot to open up for a thai massage for an hour before we head to the bar for our free drink for checking in before heading to bed around 9pm Bangkok time. Keep in mind it is currently Sunday and I haven’t slept a good sleep since Wednesday night, although there was an attempt at sleep on Thursday night.
Anyway I think this is getting a bit long winded and not all that amusing so I’ll sign off. For those of you reading this on facebook this will be the last time I post on here during my trip. Either e-mail me to get the mass e-mail or check out the running blog at traveldom.blogspot.com
Let the adventures begin!
I had all of these grandiose ideas of how amazing this first e-mail would be, complete with the necessary slights that finally, after reading everyone else’s travel e-mails for years, I get to write my own and it is you suckers who get to be jealous for a change, but really I am far too tired to be witty. I’m sure some people might argue that calling myself a wit is rather questionable at the best of times, but that is up for debate another day.
Because I can’t really think of much interesting to say I’ll give you a little rundown of the trip thus far. I bussed to Seattle with the 3 boys; this took us from 3-7pm on Friday (PST). We then had dinner and Anthony and I headed to the airport. We then killed a few hours till our plane left at 1am. Our plane then arrived in Taipei
So now I am sitting here writing an e-mail waiting for my spot to open up for a thai massage for an hour before we head to the bar for our free drink for checking in before heading to bed around 9pm Bangkok time. Keep in mind it is currently Sunday and I haven’t slept a good sleep since Wednesday night, although there was an attempt at sleep on Thursday night.
Anyway I think this is getting a bit long winded and not all that amusing so I’ll sign off. For those of you reading this on facebook this will be the last time I post on here during my trip. Either e-mail me to get the mass e-mail or check out the running blog at traveldom.blogspot.com
Let the adventures begin!
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