Monday, May 19, 2008

There's a full moon on the rise

It’s official: we are now actually divers. Despite the best efforts of several fish to distract us we managed to complete all of the requirements for our open water dive course. Diving was an overall strange and surreal experience and although it was very cool to do until my 3rd dive I wasn’t sure how much I actually enjoyed it. It’s not that the experience wasn’t great, it was just something I wasn’t sure if I would ever do again. Some sports, like snowboarding for example, as soon as I jumped on the board I was hooked and had to do more of it. Diving, I think because it is so slow and laid back really didn’t grab me the same way. The our 3rd open water dive though we got to go down to 18m deep and the world was so different and majestic that it is something I am going to have to do again. Perhaps it was fueled by the fact that there was a whale shark in the area – not that we got to see it – but it was the first time I was actually a bit nervous to get in the water. As we descended down my fears went away and a new world opened up. We were swimming though lots of large colourful fish and at one point we were so close to a huge school of them you could have sworn it was raining fish. That was also the first time my mind and body really just slowed down and enjoyed just floating along at a super slow pace and just breathing. It was quite meditative. I am not sure how well I would fair in the cold waters back home, but I think I’ll at least give it a shot.

Sadly however we had to leave Ko Tao as we made our way over to Ko Phangan. I know the other boys were very happy to be out of the fan room that was probably 38 degrees at night with no sheets on the bed and mattresses that felt like they were made of sawdust but it actually didn’t bother me that much. Still, we all knew Ko Phangan would be the best accommodation we will have all trip as we booked a villa for 5 nights here and it did not disappoint. Our villa here is incredible. Not only did we get it at a steal of a price but it is spacious, the beds are huge and comfy, the entire place is air conditioned, and we have our own private pool. The one, possible downside is we aren’t right on the beach, you have to walk up a hill about 5 minutes to get to it, but it is almost more interesting to be almost in the middle of the jungle for a change. The only thing I’m not sure about now is how we are going to manage after this when we go back to the fan rooms with no AC for $2 a night. I think we’ll make out ok though. Or at least I will; Mike and Morgan might have something else to say.

I can also happily say we have had nothing but sun for the last 3 days and it’s been great. Aside from Morgan starting to resemble a bit of a cooked lobster the rest of us haven’t been burned too badly yet. Who ever invented sun screen was a brilliant person. Yesterday we pretty much just chilled on the beach all day and swam around in the water. Tonight is going to be quite a bit livelier and perhaps an eye opening experience as we head over to another beach for the full moon party. Let’s just say we couldn’t have come to Thailand without at least checking it out for if no other reason than car crash appeal but I think it’s going to be a ton of fun. I mean how can you go wrong dancing to cheesy trace till 6am on a beach with 10 000 other people. Actually it is pretty easy to go wrong but I don’t think any of us are looking for that sort of full moon experience.

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